Friday, May 20, 2011

The Good, The Bad and the Rapture ...

So, doomsday is less than 24 hours away and there are mixed views about how it's going to happen.  Some say that, beginning at 6pm EST in New Zealand, earthquakes will ravage the world.  Others say it is The Rapture, and Jesus H. Christ himself will swoop down from the heavens and carry his Believers away, leaving the rest of us behind to clean up the mess.

Well, let's just be realistic about it, shall we?

a)  Nothing will happen and all the false prophets of the world will say they got the date wrong.
b)  Earthquakes, volcanos and every other natural demise known to mankind will simultaneously erupt destroying the human waste and no one will be alive to record it.
c)  The Rapture will indeed happen and those of us "left behind" will clean up the mess, get on with our lives and wait out another 7 years before Armegeddon wipes us off the face of the earth.

So, considering 'a' and 'b' leave nothing to think about, let's consider 'c'.

For those of us not wisked away, the first thing we have to look forward to is our immediate survival.  I'm not talking about panic and chaos in the streets.  That'll come soon enough.  I'm talking about dodging the unmanned cars hurtling towards you or the unpiloted planes falling from the sky.  If you're sitting there talking and all of a sudden the person infront or beside you disappears, use the old '50s mantra:  Duck and Cover.

Second comes the mass hysteria and confusion for those of us still here.  However I believe that, with all the news coverage and gossip leading up to this, People will quickly realize what had happened and they'll wonder why they weren't taken away.  Well, get over it!  I, like you and really the majority of the world, are sinners in one way or another.  And, figuring they have nothing to lose now, looting and other crimes will be on the rise.

Third will finally be acceptence.  We're here...we're sinners...get used to it.

As we all get back to our normal lives, the Anti-Christ will rise to power.  I was convinced that it would be Oprah, but now I have to wager a guess and say it may very well be Lady Gaga.

It's ironic how quickly she has gained not only popularity, but such a large number of minio--I mean followers.  And, even more strange, 48 hours before Doomsday, she's touted as being the most powerful woman in the world, knocking Oprah off the stage.  And her followers already think of her as perfection, almost "godlike".

The bad thing is, not only are we going to have to follow her commands and obey her world power for seven years until the Final Battle, but we're also going to have to all go out and buy (loot) every one of her cds. it too late to redeem myself and become a Born Again?

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